Il giorno 07/07/23 dalle 18:00:00 alle 19:00:00
via angelo poliziano 32-34
Arte Spettacolo Lazio: Gaia-Terra
Under the broad title Gaia/Terra, the opening of the new exhibition will be taking place in
Rome’s historic centre at Medina Roma Art Gallery on 7 July 2023.
The Earth, as an archetypal deity, as primal material, the Earth as nature, as a country, as
territory, as a non-frontier, as soil, as a place, as a call to go further, for the beyond, the
Earth as that which brings water and life, as a force field, as a core, as fire, as constant
formation, as transformation, as shifting, as air, as a static element. The Earth at its
simplest and most sublime beauty, as thought, as contemplation, the Earth as a planet,
the Earth in its tiniest element – stone, leaf, droplet – the Earth in its entirety, in its
discrete parts, in the not obvious, in its constant deconstruction and unceasing
reformulation. The Earth at its own pace, in its relentless rebirth.
Under the broad title Gaia/Terra, the opening of the new exhibition will be taking place in Rome’s historic centre at Medina Roma Art Gallery on 7 July 2023.
Arte Spettacolo Lazio: Gaia-Terra
- Visualizzazioni 253
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